KINUGAWA Acupuncture and Chiropractic Clinic
10 min. walk from JR Fukuchiyama Station
This clinic’s aim is to cure and prevent illness by addressing the body’s needs through a fundamental approach to therapy
Please visit us if you are experiencing any of these symptoms
Diagnosed with incurable disease / Lack of guidance
Little to no progress in alleviating symptoms
Fertility treatment without results
Injured in an accident and experiencing side effects
Experiencing poor health with unclear reasons
Desire to improve study or sports performance
Back pain caused by long hours at a desk
Pain in knees or shoulder joints
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- 慢性疲労症候群の治療
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- 慢性の腰痛、なかなか治らない腰痛の治療
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- KINUGAWA Acupuncture and ...
- 24.10.04
- スポーツ障害の治療
- 24.09.19
- 慢性疲労症候群の治療
- 24.09.03
- 慢性の腰痛、なかなか治らない腰痛の治療
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- 首のこり・首の痛みの治療